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    How To Make A Shaving Brush- "Old Thunder" Build Log

    Here is the original whale tooth that I borrowed to make the mold.



    This is a picture of the tooth ready to have a mold poured in silicone, I cut off the bottom of the solo cup and added a clay base to stand the tooth up in.



    This is the first resin cast coming out of the completed mold.





    Raw resin vs real tooth.




    38mm Knot Vs 22mm

    Just trying some stuff out.




    Mocking up the base and decorative trim



    Embedded  in the two part mold box.




    Registration marks made, and a coat of crystal clear.


    Mold for Harpoon brush stand, ready for High Temp Silicone.

    Mold cured and waiting for hot Pewter.


    One of the original etched brass designs

    And the finished product.